Your participation in this race is supporting the youth of Kaua’i to live healthy and positive lives


You are breathing life into the Kaua’i community.

Positive environments are the key to making kids and adults flourish. We race to build communities that support the youth of Hawai’i. We race to take a stand against the drug and alcohol epidemic on our island and in our state. We race to give kids the opportunity to grown up in a healthy environment.

The Ultimate Hawaiian Trail Run is the largest annual fundraiser of the Keala Foundation. When you sign up to race, you sign up to financially support our mission to change lives.

Together we will see a generation of kids rise, overcome, and learn to thrive.

Hawaii may look like paradise, but there is a tragic & ugly epidemic devastating our communities…

This run was built to change the trajectory of youth on Kaua’i. The beauty of Kaua’i is stunning, but there are painful issues under the surface. Drug and alcohol addiction is an epidemic in Hawaii. It's killing our communities, our culture, and our kids. Addiction is a terrible disease. It’s lonely and hopeless and everyday steals people that we love. We choose to stand amidst the hard and the hurt because we believe that there is hope and we hold a solution to the problem. We're fighting for our communities and spreading light and life!

When you race, you help us create healthy communities.

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